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Zeroes, Our Biggest Update Yet Has Landed!

Polish your cyberlimbs and weapons, Teardrop has just grown bigger and better with our BIGGEST UPDATE YET! This massive update comes packed with exciting content, game-changing features, and our first-ever Teardrop event! Let’s dive in:

New Region: Midtown Harbour (East)

Introducing Midtown Harbour – once Teardrop’s vital hub, now a decaying port overtaken by nature, haunted by cranes and abandoned ships. The rusting silos, torn-down warehouses, crumbling towers and long-looted containers offer the perfect playground for high-flying jetpack action and endless opportunities for ambushes!

Welcome to the ultimate vertical battleground, the forgotten heart of Midtown Harbour.


First Street Event: Nuestros Diablos Gang

Watch your six, there’s a new gang on the block. The Nuestros Diablos have set up shop in Midtown Harbour, and let’s just say they didn’t come for the scenery. If you’re gunning for extra loot and rare HEXes, you’ll have to go through them first.

The street gangs are still in their early phase, so expect some quirks — your feedback on their behaviour will be key as we refine the experience!

OTG Pro Content Pack: Nuestros Diablos

Cobra demanded for real muscle, the OTG Corp sent cut-rate cartel killers instead. And if you can’t beat the ombre – become one of them. Time to unleash your inner gangsta’!

Nuestros Diablos is our latest OTG Pro Content Pack, available now.

As a reminder, the Scump Content Pack will remain available through March 27th.


New Side Mission: Combat DJ

Introducing OTG’s first-ever side mission: Combat DJ!

Hear that thumping base over the bullets and explosions? Well that must be one of the Combat DJ booths scattered throughout the island! Head to one of the highlighted Event locations, compete to control the DJ zone, and snag some sweet loot & XP for coming out on top!


Additionally, the leading team gets to control the tunes playing on the DJ booth! Zeroes will start with a default tune, can find more in HEXes and equip them in the Appearance tab.


New Cyberlimb: MaxiGun

Some of you Zeroes have guessed it correctly... behold a devastating new Cyberlimb: the MaxiGun. When that baby goes BRRRR, you better have a fresh pair of Roadrunners or you’ll end up Swiss’d!

This heavy cyberarm isn't built for finesse, but high firepower comes at a cost. Overuse it, and it might just leave you in the ditch at the worst possible time. Grab it now from the Battle Pass, through world loot, and randomly from cyberlimb HEXes held by the Nuestros Diablos!


Note: The HEX decoding chance for the MaxiGun, as well as world loot drop chance, has been temporarily boosted for the next few days. Have fun!

Battle Pass Upgrade - Pages 2 & 3 unlocked

Two new pages in the latest section of the Battle Pass have now unlocked, time to start grinding challenges, Zeroes! This upgrade includes the MaxiGun, the additional elements of the new 'Pacifist' Character Set – and the OTG Pro Loyalty Reward: Inferno skin for the Kestrel Sniper.


Movement and Jetpack Rework

We fine-tuned movement to feel smoother, snappier, and more intuitive—faster mantling, improved strafing, and a more responsive overall feel to keep up with high-speed gameplay. Every motion is designed to elevate your control and fluidity, making fast-paced engagements even more dynamic.

Jetpacks now offer greater altitude flexibility, giving you some more freedom in aerial maneuvers. But don’t get too comfortable, we’re introducing a brand-new overheat mechanic to keep balance and strategy in check.

As you take flight to your next drop point, pay close attention to both visual and audio cues signaling an impending jetpack overheat. Ignore them, and let’s just say your landing might be rougher than expected.


Lobby emoting has arrived!

Waiting in the lobby just got a whole lot cooler. Hit H / Right D-Pad to pull up the Emote Wheel and flex your moves while you vibe with your squad mates in the lobby.


Matchmaking Update

To ensure a smooth onboarding experience for new players, we’re introducing bots, allowing beginners to learn the ropes in a low-pressure environment for their first two matches.

Bots are still in the early stages, so expect some hiccups. We're actively improving the system and would love your feedback as we refine this feature!

Various Fixes and Changes

There are also A LOT more changes and fixes. See below a tasty selection – full patch notes are shared here.

  • New Jetpack Tutorial to help you learn the ropes of flight
  • Additional Onboarding Challenges to help familiarize new players with our various game systems. Players completing onboarding challenges receive GUN/HEXes. There will be 15 challenges total to begin with.
  • Updated Inventory Screen for better usability.
  • Updated Redeploy Stations to work more reliably.
  • Optimized VFX for better performance.
  • Improved Cyberlimb tooltips.
  • Ripper fixes to hit registration, ensuring less missed attacks when enemies are within 5 meters. Attack animations have also been improved.
  • Javelina upgrade, allowing it to lock onto up to 3 enemies at once, dealing 250 damage to each.
  • Kinetic Shield defense upgrade against melee cyberlimbs attacks, causing slight knockback on impact instead of allowing attacks to pass through.